Case Study Oxyrion POS

Unveiling Oxyrion's custom features engineered for seamless paint store operations.

eKasa Oxyrion

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In this case study, you'll discover:

  • How we created a custom POS system,
  • the development phases involved,
  • and the key benefits this solution offers the client.

Why Did the Client Request a Custom POS System?

Since July 2019, businesses are required by law to use an online cash register (POS system) in their stores. While there are many off-the-shelf solutions that comply with these regulations, including a free software option from the Slovak Financial Administration, these often offer only basic functionality for processing sales.

However, for companies like Dejmark, which often mix paints to customer specifications, these basic features were not enough. Customizing an existing solution to meet their needs would have been costly and time-consuming.

This led Dejmark to invest in a fully custom POS system and approach us to create their own tailored solution.

The main requirement was to design a POS system that could be directly integrated with the existing Oxyrion applications. The solution needed to be highly customizable with additional options for future updates. Another key request was to ensure the system was user-friendly and intuitive for employees.

The ultimate goal was to build a product tailored specifically for the needs of Dejmark’s paint stores.

How Was the POS System Developed?

As with any development project, our goal was to create a product that would fully meet the client’s expectations. Before drafting a solution, we held extensive discussions with the client to understand their needs. From these talks, our developers were able to outline all necessary features and define how the new POS system should integrate with other Oxyrion applications, such as the product catalog and customer database.

The selection of technology was left entirely to the development team, with the only requirements being that the system was fast, reliable, and modern. After careful consideration, the Android platform emerged as the best choice. For the API, we selected Node.js to ensure compatibility with the other Oxyrion APIs. This ensured smooth communication and seamless integration.

The implementation began with the creation of a prototype, which was refined in collaboration with the client down to the smallest detail. After finalizing the prototype, the development of the live version was broken down into three stages:

  • Developing a standalone Android app,
  • Creating an API built on Node.js,
  • Preparing a Java library for communication with the payment terminal.

The payment terminal itself was managed by an external provider, and they also supplied the communication protocol necessary to integrate it with the POS system.

How Does the Android App Work?

The POS app was designed with store employees in mind. We wanted to offer a solution that was easy to learn while also making their work more efficient. At the same time, we had to ensure that the system met the security needs of management, such as tracking statistics and managing users. The final solution includes multiple key features:

Automated Course of an Accounting Day

To streamline employees' work, the POS system automates the entire accounting day—from the morning deposit to interim closures and the final daily closure. Each operation is straightforward, a feature that has been particularly appreciated by store staff for its simplicity.

Registering Products with Database Access

Product registration during sales operates as expected—either through scanning or by searching for products in the database. The POS system is directly connected to the Oxyrion online store, which allows it to work seamlessly with the online product catalog. When a product is scanned, it provides all the necessary information sales staff need to communicate to customers—such as the materials the paint is best suited for, how it should be mixed or diluted, and more. This feature helps employees guide customers in making informed purchasing decisions, recommending the most suitable products based on their specific needs.

Paint Tinting

The POS system also includes a paint tinting function. Based on the desired final color, the system identifies the necessary color shades and quantities for mixing. Additionally, it calculates the price of individual components and provides the total cost of the mixed product.


An advanced discount system is another feature of the POS system. This includes custom discounts available at specific stores, customer-specific discounts that activate upon login, and ongoing promotional campaigns across all locations. Once applied, discount data is transferred to the accounting system, giving the client complete oversight on discount usage and enabling them to assess their effectiveness.

Login and Reverse Check

For enhanced security, the system employs a two-step login process:

  • Initial Login: At the start of each day, the employee opening the store logs into the system using credentials unique to their location.
  • Cashier Verification: The second login is done by the cashier using a barcode for authentication. The cashier remains logged in only while present at the register, and the system automatically logs them out after a period of inactivity. This ensures that each transaction is securely linked to the responsible employee.

In addition, the POS system includes useful features like purchase history and transaction cancellation. These functions are particularly helpful for back-checking purchases, correcting errors, or handling returns, making day-to-day operations smoother for employees.

Authentication via API

Dejmark uses the Microsoft Navision ERP system to manage its business operations, including accounting. We ensured flawless communication between the POS system and the ERP system so that every transaction was logged quickly and accurately. To achieve this, we developed an API that facilitates nearly instant data transfer between the two systems.

This allows the client to track financial flows not only within the POS system but also in Navision. To avoid unnecessary data transfer, only the information currently needed by the POS is sent. The API was designed as a standalone application to ensure ease of maintenance.

Payment Terminal Communication Library

During payment transactions, data must be transferred between the POS system, the ERP, the Oxyrion applications, and the physical payment terminal. This communication happens via a TCP/IP protocol provided by the terminal manager and a custom action library we developed.

The library translates data from the POS into commands the terminal can understand. Essentially, it converts the Java-based requests from the POS system into a simpler format the terminal can process.

For example, during a SALE transaction, the system requests product information, pricing, discounts, payment methods, and who processed the transaction. The library reads these requests, creates a command string, and sends it to the terminal. The terminal then performs its standard functions (printing receipts, sending data to the financial authorities, etc.) and sends the necessary information back to the POS system. All common functions (deposits, withdrawals, daily and interim closing, cancellations, etc.) are handled this way.

This ensures that no information is lost and that the customer’s data is accurately recorded at all touchpoints.


What Other Benefits Does the Custom POS System Offer?

  • The new Oxyrion POS runs on a device with an integrated touchscreen and printer, ensuring ease of use and faster transaction processing.
  • The application can be launched on any Android device.
  • The system features extended administration, accessible through other Oxyrion applications, which includes setting up stores and cashiers, configuring settings, synchronizing data after outages, and generating reports and statistics.
  • The system is designed for remote monitoring and troubleshooting.

What Did the Client Gain from Their Custom POS System?

  • 100% customization to meet their needs,
  • The ability to further develop and expand the solution,
  • Integration with other Oxyrion applications,
  • Always up-to-date data,
  • A competitive advantage.

Technological summary

The most important incorporated modules
  • Cancellation of receipts
  • Receipt history
  • Purchase statistics
  • Discounts and discount codes
  • Tinted paint composition and price calculator
Technologies used
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • Android (Java)

How does the client perceive the collaboration?

By introducing the POS system to our xFarby stores, we’ve simplified the billing process to a minimum. Our employees instantly embraced the POS system because it’s simple, intuitive, clear, and offers functions tailored specifically to us. Since the POS system is connected to our API database, we can quickly provide customers with information on products, colors, prices, stock availability, and ongoing promotions without needing additional tools or catalogs. Our customers appreciate how quickly they can get the information they need, and they can even register easily at the POS, gaining instant discounts and other benefits. We haven’t forgotten about our business customers either – we’re planning to implement features for issuing delivery notes or invoices and processing online store orders directly through the POS.

With these added features, the POS system will become a comprehensive tool that will simplify our work and replace multiple existing systems. We’d also like to highlight the work and creativity of the developers at bart, whose expertise has significantly contributed to its efficient development.

Martin Marek
Martin Marek
Manager for IT and Technical Department

I have nothing but positive things to say about our partnership with bart. Their development team is highly experienced, overcame many complex challenges, and brought innovative and effective solutions to the project. I greatly appreciate their communication system, clear request management, and adherence to deadlines. I’m confident that our future collaboration will bring many more innovations and solutions to enhance our customers’ experience on our online store.

Terézia Sopková
Terézia Sopková
Ecommerce Manager, Digital Marketing Assistant
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